I will bow to your experience about pairing of parts on a page, but 
there is a terrible flaw in your logic here:

If two parts are on a single piece of music, with an extra copy so that 
each may practice their parts at home, you say: "presume that we will 
lose the extra parts and will have only one copy of each part..." then 
you go on to say that it is better still to print each part on its own page.

So why should I presume that you will lose a couple of horn parts when 
the set contains 4 parts, printed 1/3 and 2/4, yet if the set contains 4 
parts printed 1, 2, 3, 4 I shouldn't presume that 2 parts will get lost?

Why would the instrumentation determine the losing of parts?

If the horn section is going to lose 2 of their parts, then either the 
set should include 8 horn parts or all the horn parts should be printed 
on a single part, with 4 copies, so that presumably 3 irresponsible horn 
players could lose their parts and all huddle around a single piece of 
paper for the concert.

I don't quite follow the logic of that part of your argument, but I am 
all in favor of printing 1/2 and 3/4 or 1, 2, 3, 4 if either will serve 
the horn section better.


> In a message dated 12/07/2002 12:19:42 GMT Daylight Time, 
>       So the horn parts are often Horn I/II
>     and III/IV in newer works and Horn I/III and II/IV in older works
> As a horn player may a make a heartfelt plea that you DO NOT put 1st and 
> 3rd horn on the same page.  (I have only ever seen 1&3 on one page in 
> modern wind band music - if there are two parts to a stave they should 
> ALWAYS be 1st and 2nd / 3rd and 4th) 
> Presume that we will lose the extra copies and will only have one copy 
> of each part - we sit 1,2,3,4 - if 1&3 are on the same part, we have to 
> change places (or play in the wrong order)
> It is much more useful for the principal player to know what his 2nd is 
> playing since the majority oF duet passages (not unisons) will be for 
> 1st & 2nd horn, not 1st & 3rd.
> Better still, put them on separate pages so that we can read them more 
> easily.
> All the best,
> Lawrence
> http://lawrenceyates.co.uk

David H. Bailey

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