>From the Finale Productivity Package by Bill Duncan there are several fonts

BD Notes - A tweaked version of Maestro
Brackets - Brakets for multi stop indications 
Rolls.suit & RollsBig - Roll symbols of preset length with and without arrows 
to indicate direction
ChordSuf & ChordSym - Helvetica type font for chords
Salzedo & LoopsSquiggles - For harp notation
EnclSans & EnclSerif - For characters with box lines for enclosures so you 
can bypass the enclosures in Finale
Rehearsal, RehearsalDbl, RehearsalSans & RehearsalSansDbl - More of the same 
but with shadow boxs
TempoTime & TempoTimeSans - For tempo indications and time signatures
TimesLyrics & HelveticaLyrics - Fonts condensed to take up less horizontal 
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