> On 18.07.2002 12:35 Uhr, David H. Bailey wrote
> > That's fine for ctrl-A, but he did also ask for the ascii codes for
> > ctrl-a,

There is no diff. betw. ctrl-a and ctrl-A, any more than there is a diff betw.
shift-a and shift-A.

Ctrl-a (on any computer system I've ever tried it on) maps to 0x01, ctrl=b to
0x02 etc. So the tab key and ctrl-h are the same. Similarly the return key and
ctrl-j (or ctrl-m) or the enter key and ctrl-c.

A good way to see this for yourself in Finale is to select the Special Tool that
allows you to change the notehead characater and double-click a notehead.
Provided you avoid certain ctrl codes that activate various controls, you can
type ctrl-letter combos and see where they take you. E.g., ctrl-z takes you to
slot 26, ctrl-x to 24, etc.

Robert Patterson

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