On my Win98 system, opening the window you suggest, everytime I enter ctrl-[letter] I get a warning ding from the computer and nothing happens. I can't use the letter keys with ANY altering key. As a matter of fact, FinWin on my system won't allow the use of keystrokes to navigate around this panel at all, other than cursor keys and the enter key, and the tab key to switch between the active buttons.
As to there being no difference between ctrl-A and ctrl-a, I am not quite sure how to interpret that, because on my computer I can't get to ctrl-A, because I can't get the capital A without hitting Shift (or having caps-lock turned on, another state-altering key). As to whether ctrl-j give a carriage return or not, I would think it all depends on how the software interprets the key-presses. I can define a macro for ctrl-j in WordPerfect that works when I press ctrl-j but it doesn't give me a carriage return. And similarly I can press return and not invoke the macro. So I would guess it would all depend on whether the underlying software is interpreting ASCII codes or ANSI codes or keyboard scan codes. Robert Patterson wrote: >>On 18.07.2002 12:35 Uhr, David H. Bailey wrote >> >> >>>That's fine for ctrl-A, but he did also ask for the ascii codes for >>>ctrl-a, >>> > > There is no diff. betw. ctrl-a and ctrl-A, any more than there is a diff betw. > shift-a and shift-A. > > Ctrl-a (on any computer system I've ever tried it on) maps to 0x01, ctrl=b to > 0x02 etc. So the tab key and ctrl-h are the same. Similarly the return key and > ctrl-j (or ctrl-m) or the enter key and ctrl-c. > > A good way to see this for yourself in Finale is to select the Special Tool that > allows you to change the notehead characater and double-click a notehead. > Provided you avoid certain ctrl codes that activate various controls, you can > type ctrl-letter combos and see where they take you. E.g., ctrl-z takes you to > slot 26, ctrl-x to 24, etc. > > -- > Robert Patterson > > http://RobertGPatterson.com > _______________________________________________ > Finale mailing list > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > http://mail.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale > > -- David H. Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ Finale mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale