On 18.07.2002 18:19 Uhr, David W. Fenton wrote

> You're left with using multiple shift keys and checking scan codes and
> shift masks (because there's no ASCII mapping for those multiple shift
> key combinations), and translating the whole thing for various
> international keyboard maps. Johannes has pointed out elsewhere that the
> latter is already problematic in Finale today.

Only as far as the non-alpha keys are concerned. But Metatools are
definitely not a problem (apart from the fact that the German keyboard has
three more alpha keys that cannot be used for Metatools).

I think there may be a slight misunderstanding here: The control key on the
Mac does not work the same way as the control key on Windows. It is not used
to access any specific ASCII characters (and I disagree in so far with
Robert). You can tell by openening KeyCaps and selecting Maestro (which uses
most ASCII characters available, as far as I understand). If you press
control you'll notice that the main keyboard, with the exception of the top
row (which shows the normal layout without modifiers), shows _no_

For special characters the option key is used. For keyboard commands the
Command key is normally used. The control key is used for special commands,

At least this is how I understand it.

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