I have been in the habit since Finale 3.52 or so of using Layer 1 and 
4 to implement playback of ornaments. That is, the printed notation 
goes into layer 4, and the playback into layer 1. Until I upgraded to 
WinFin2003, I'd set the measure to BLANK NOTATION (which applies only 
to Layer 1), and with WinFin2003 I use the BLANK staff style.

So far so good.

But now I've got cases where the displayed notation is being skewed 
off of proper alignment because it seems that the music in layer 4 is 
being moved to the right to avoid collision with the notes in layer 
1. That would be great if the notes in layer 1 were *visible*, but 
they aren't, so they should be ignored in collision calculations.

To reproduce it, try this:

In a new blank document with two staves, insert a quarter note grace 
note and a half note main note. 

In the second staff, insert a half note.

Move the top staff's music to layer 4.

In layer 1, put in two quarter notes.

Now, apply BLANK staff style to the top staff.

Space the music.

You'll see that the displayed half note in the top staff (layer 4) is 
displaced to the right to avoid collision with the note in layer 1 
that is not visible in the first place.

This is *very* bad.

I have tried going into document settings and unchecking collision of 
seconds, but it seems to make no difference whatsoever.

Well, it makes a difference for entries made (and spaced) *after* the 
2nd collision is turned off, but I can't seem to find any way (short 
of deleting the notes and re-entering) the undo the erroneous spacing 
(other than using special tools to move the notes manually).

In this particular piece, I have no need at all for other layers 
except for playback of ornaments, so I can turn off second collision 
without a problem, but isn't it a bug that the blank notation is 
being used in spacing calculations? It didn't used to be so in 
Finale97 and earlier, and I think that's preferable.

David W. Fenton                         |        
David Fenton Associates                 |        

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