On 9/26/02 2:03 PM, "David W. Fenton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 26 Sep 2002 at 15:05, Jari Williamsson wrote:
>> The new method (Finale 2002 and above) is much more flexible. You can
>> turn ON/OFF spacing on 3 different levels (layer/note entry/note). You can
>> also turn playback ON/OFF on 4 different levels (instrument list/layer/note
>> entry/note). Layer options are available in the document options, entry
>> and note settings are available in the [not-so-easy-to-use] Edit Frame.
>> I have now created a tiny plug-in (called "JW Spacing & Playback") that
>> you can download if you need it. This plug-in allows you to turn spacing
>> (or playback) ON or OFF for a selection (such as notes in a single layer),
>> without the need to modify the global layer options:
>> http://www.jwmusic.nu/freeplugins/
> While your plugin is a wonderful thing, I am OK with turning off the
> check in Layer Options, as I can't conceive of a situation in which I
> would want invisible notes to be accounted for in spacing the visible
> notation.
> Can anyone come up with a scenario in which that is even a
> *marginally* useful option?

Perhaps there might come a time when I want to create unusual spacing--say,
a visual speeding up of the same note values, or something like that--and
can most easily accomplish that for multiple staves by putting some divided
note values in an invisible layer somewhere that are subject to note
spacing.  I know there are other ways to accomplish this, but I see it as
another example of Finale's flexibility...


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