On 26 Sep 2002 at 1:50, Mark D. Lew wrote:

> At 9:11 AM 09/26/02, Michael Cook wrote:
> > [...] If layer 4 is only used for playback, you can also set it not
> >to affect music spacing (in Document Options - Layers).
> Aha, THERE it is!  I knew there was a way to tell Finale to ignore the
> music for spacing, but I looked for it in the Staff Style definition and in
> Music Spacing Options, and not Layer Options.

I'm so glad you replied to this, Mark, because I didn't understand 
what he was referring to! This setting ought to take care of the 
problem. Seems to me this should be off by default.

> I think this would be more convenient if it were a check box in the
> Alternate Notation section of Staff Style definitions (and turned on by
> default on the Blank staff styles that Coda provides).

I don't see why. When would anyone want hidden or blank notation to 
effect spacing? I don't even see the utility in having it as an 
*option*, let alone having this useless option turned on by default.

> The problem with Layer Options is that it affects that layer for the entire
> piece, so if you want that layer visible elsewhere, you're out of luck.  I
> suppose you can just get into the habit of making layer 4 always be the
> invisible one, but wouldn't that be awkward for playback?  I don't usually
> do much playback, but I would think you'd want the main layer that you use
> for the voice to match the heard-but-not-seen layer, not the
> seen-but-not-heard one.

Well, I use layer 1 for the principle notation and layers 2 and 3 
have always been sufficient for any extra layers I need (which is 
generally very seldom, as I used voice 2 whenever I can), and it has 
never been a hardship to sacrifice playback of layer 4. In short, 
I've never encounterd a situation where I needed music in all 4 
layers and also needed to define something for playback that was 
different from the display on top of that.

I guess if you had 3 layers with an ornament in them, you'd run into 
a problem, but that might be doable in a single layer. Possibly.

> I'm sure there must be a way around this, though.  Isn't that what the
> "easy tremolos" plug-in does?
> On the occasions when I've needed to fix grace notes to play back as
> appoggiaturas, I've used the MIDI tool, not an invisible layer.

I always use an invisible layer because it is far more intuitive to 
me to say "play this as a quarter followed by a half" instead of 
having to figure out how many [whatever] units I have to delay the 
two notes by. And the music I work with has plenty of appoggiaturas, 
so I deal with it a lot.

David W. Fenton                 |       http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates         |       http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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