.. and I'm perfectly serious when I suggest you slap it on the sides or the top a 
couple of times, or even turn it off and back on (or unplug from the wall and 
reconnect it).  You might also consider, just for the quasi-hallucenogenic effect, 
hitting the "degauss" function.


>>> Carl Donsbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/26/02 02:12PM >>>

Try removing and reseating the monitor connection to your computer.  Also 
try jiggling the monitor connection cord at the monitor end.

-Carl Donsbach

--On Thursday, September 26, 2002 2:35 PM -0400 Darcy James Argue 

> Hello all,
> Okay, suddenly and for no apparent reason, my CRT monitor just turned
> purple.  Greens now display as black, so I can only assume that the green
> electron beam is no longer firing.  This is bad, I think.  Is my monitor
> kaput, then?  It's a Sony 200ES -- about four years old at this point.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated -- I'm not exactly wild about
> buying a new monitor, at this point.
> - Darcy
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