On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 18:26:55 -0400 Aaron Sherber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd love to be able to select all of the
> measures on the page and 
> distribute them optimally in one pass.
> This would also help at the ends of pieces. I
> find that very often the last 
> line of a part has just a measure or two, which
> means I have to push those 
> measures up and then redistribute the overage.
> It would be great to be able 
> to push the measures up and then run a plugin
> on selected systems to 
> redistribute.
> My $.02.
> Aaron.
Have you tried TGTools: Layout - Fit Measures - specify the number of systems
you want to distribute the highlighted measures into? 

This is one of the most useful plug-ins I have found. Run this and Jari's
'Space Systems' plugin and you've cut out a huge amount of work.

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