TGTools Fit Music does this.
Just select the music that you want to be on the page, count the systems, and
let TGTools redistribute the music. Works fine for me.

Aaron Sherber schreef:

> When I extract parts from a score and then go to tweak each part, I seem to
> spend much of my time in scenarios like this:
> Right-hand page has no rests on it, but there's a nice long rest 3 bars
> into the next page. So I use Mass Mover to nudge those three bars into the
> previous line, which leaves me with one very crowded line. I push one or
> two of those measures up to the next line, making that line crowded. Repeat
> as necessary until all lines on the page look okay.
> I'd love to see a plugin that helps out with this. In particular, after I
> move the first group of measures so that the page break falls at the right
> place, I'd love to be able to select all of the measures on the page and
> distribute them optimally in one pass.
> This would also help at the ends of pieces. I find that very often the last
> line of a part has just a measure or two, which means I have to push those
> measures up and then redistribute the overage. It would be great to be able
> to push the measures up and then run a plugin on selected systems to
> redistribute.
> My $.02.
> Aaron.
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