At 11:48 AM -0500 1/24/03, John Howell wrote:
>Maybe I'm missing something important here.  If you mean for the parts to
>be played by a (natural) horn in G, I would agree.  But if you mean for
>them to be played on a modern valve horn in F, you should write them for
>horn in F.  There's a good reason why Luck's and others are producing
>orchestral parts transposed for modern instruments in their normal keys.

Hi, John - as a horn player for over 40 years, I've played parts in
original keys, i.e. not F, and parts transposed to F. For me, it is much,
much easier to play from parts in original keys. I'm not talking about hand
horns here.

I did a survey of the horn list last year about preferences for
non-transposed parts or for transposed parts, and the vast majority favored
non-transposed parts. These were valve horn players. There were perhaps 15
responses to my survey question. This subject comes up on the horn list
from time to time and professionals just about without exception (here I'm
covering my, ah, self) favor original key parts.

If anyone is interested, the horn list can be joined by anyone, and then
the archives are available, so you can check for yourself.



Carlberg Jones
Colima, Col., Mexico
Tel. 001-52-312-330-3531

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