I am editing an 18th Century manuscript for strings, horns, trumpets and
double chorus. The piece is in D major, and the horns are written in bass
clef. The tuning indication is that the horns are in G:sol.

The first two written notes on the page are A-B, which, if my thinking is
correct with the horns pitched in G, the actual sound should come out as

HOWEVER...the actual pitches that should be sounded are those as actually
written (A-B), meaning that the horns really are in C, not G:sol.
Unless...does the fact that the horn parts are written in bass clef have
anything to do with how the horns actually sound from the written notes, or
did the composer just goof and mistakenly mark the horn parts to be in G
rather than C?

If it helps at all, the trumpet parts are in C.

Thanks for your collective wisdom in this forum.


Martin Banner
Monticello, New York

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