At 09:42 AM 2/7/03 -0800, Linda Worsley wrote:
>If anyone else is contemplating (or actually DOING) online sales, I'd 
>be interested to hear about it.
>I mean those of you who are using the internet to 
>distribute your own work. I think this is an idea worth pursuing.

I offer my entire catalog for free download
( in PDF and ETF.

Frog Peak Music distributes the printed versions. The number of downloads
is very large -- several hundred per week. Potential performers can
audition them in MP3 format (up until a few weeks ago, they were mostly
RealAudio). I get performances (and royalties), and Frog Peak picks up
sales of printed scores. It isn't lucrative, but it's more lucrative than
when all the nicely duplicated scores sat sullenly in cardboard boxes!

Unlike many other composers, the demand for the kind of thing I do isn't
large enough to worry about theft. Many people fill in the info forms,
though not yet a sizeable fraction.


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