On 20.03.2003 21:47 Uhr, Andrew Fox wrote

> Help. I apologize if I have missed something obvious. I am haveing trouble
> coordinating my tap in with hyperscribe. In a piano score I was doing, I had a
> right hand part for "color my world" that I wanted to add a bass part too. I
> playing while hearing the right hand part. It sounded perfect as I was playing
> it, yet when I looked at the result — and played it back — the result was off
> by one eighth. So the part I played in started with an eighth note rest.
> Aargh. I've had similar problems trying to just play a piece into Finale with
> hyperscribe. What stupid little thing have I missed?

First of all, any chance you could switch your mailer to plain text
messages? Thanks.

Hyperscribe. Sigh. It never works as well as one hopes...

I don't really have an answer to your problem, other than, use Speedy. It's
more reliable, and most people find it is quicker on the long run.


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