> Metatool are of course in the manual. What is not in my manual is any
> mention that entering a repeat sign with a metatool will prevent it
> from moving around.
Quite right
>> BUT! In the meantime I must admit that I spoke to early. When using
>> metatools in other tools you see that indeed the item is duplicated over and
>> over again.
> Once again, not in my version of Finale (Mac 2003), except for shape
> expressions.

>> No such thing happens with repeat metatools. I've been thinking
>> this over a while and reluctantly I must say this makes some sense. You can
>> expect dynamics and articulations to be used quite more than once in a
>> piece, but text repeat signs like we're referring to, most of the times only
>> once.
> Except of course, for the coda sign (target) and segno ($), which
> must be used twice, once at the end of a measure and once at the
> beginning of another measure.

Of course; like I wrote, 'most of the times'
And, the items may look the same on paper, but their placement in the
document has a different meaning; the first coda means 'go somewhere'; the
second is that 'somewhere', which is not purely identical.
The same goes for Segno; it's 'go to that sign' and 'start reading here'.
But I think I see more often D.S., or 'to', with or without the sign, and
then something like 'al coda', or 'al fine'.
So, as far as I'm concerned, only the coda sign must be duplicated
>> When needed more often, in larger compositions with more separate
>> parts, the needed duplication must be done by the user, albeit that I would
>> probably choose to use different documents . You will see that the separate
>> expressions will behave as wanted.
> "As wanted?" Not as I want, which is to have them stay where I put
> them. Try this test:
> In the Repeat Tool, press S and click on Measure 2 of a blank
> document. Try to aim right for the default whole rest, to see how it
> gets placed. Does the variable box fill up with S's? This is not what
> *I* want. 

Neither do I, but Finale is fast, isn't it ...so lift fingers of both hands
simultaneously rigth after clicking.

Press OK. Does the sign show up anywhere NEAR where you
> clicked? 

Yes it does, a bit to the right.

In my file it shows up higher and to the left. This is not
> what I want, either.

What do you see when you change justification and H and V numbers in the
definition window? (manual: repeat tool, page 15).
> Now hold down the C (for the Coda target) and enter it in another
> measure. Aim for the default whole rest again. Now the blamed thing
> shows up IN the measure! On two successive tries it showed up at the
> end of the measure, and then right where I clicked. I can't figure
> out what makes it behave differently each time. No question of
> repeating assignments here, as they are two different markings.

It shows up where I click, like the segno. Always. The coordinates can be
seen in the definition box; justification in the same box is left in my
case, in your case it might be different.
And, every time I choose a new location in another measure, every already
created repeat will take the same coordinates. Duplicate the repeats, then
they will be independent.
>> I regard it as similar to the situation
>> where you would want to use a text block twice. You can't just choose that
>> same text block again, but you would just copy the content, wouldn't you, and
>> place in a newly created block of it's own.
> At least Text block stay where you put them.

Yes, relative to page or measure, but you can't use the *same* textblock

>> I would say that Finale should warn the user that when he wants to use a
>> particular expression more than once, he should make duplicates.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Klasius.
Must we assume that Finale is trying to prevent people from 'mistakes' in
the use of text repeats? The flaw is that at least for the coda sign it is
surely to be expected to be used more than once. This should indeed be
mentioned in the manual. 

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