On 14 Jun 2003 at 17:16, Darcy James Argue wrote:

> So evidently, right now the classical music situation in the iTMS has a 
> lot of kinks in it.  Selling classical music is a lot more complicated 
> than selling pop tunes -- purely from a logistical standpoint (as 
> anyone who's ever worked in the classical department of a record store 
> can tell you).  I'm actually surprised that they allow you to download 
> individual movements without downloading the entire work at all.  There 
> are other problems -- right now there's no way to browse by composer 
> (composers and artists are all jumbled together) and no way to browse 
> by last name at all (everything is by first name).  There's no way to 
> browse by instrument.  There's no easy way to specify "I want *this* 
> work performed by *this* soloist with *this* orchestra.  There's also 
> no way of knowing whether what you are looking for is available on CD 
> but just not part of the iTMS, out of print, or never existed in the 
> first place.
> Hopefully these problems will eventually be worked out, along with a 
> better, consistent policy on 7+ minute tracks.

Well, until those things are fixed, this Windows user won't be 
bothering with iTunes. It's hard enough to find what you want on 
Amazon or any other website, where the search features are 
substantially more elaborate and appropriate for Classical music. I'm 
not going to waste time on a source that doesn't understand what is 
needed to retrieve information reliably.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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