I don't know how far from civilization you live, but in this case, if you
have such particular tastes in what is and what isn't a good sampled piano,
you need to actually go to hear and learn about the particular instruments
that are out there. As I understand the technology, the downloaded samples
that you are listening to are probably not the same 32 bit sounds which are
generated by the instruments you are mentioning, especially with MP3
compression from the web. You are trying to by a diamond from a TV image.
There is simply no way to appreciate the fidelity if the medium doesn't
carry the resolution.

Tim Price
Fairlee, Vt/

> Hi David,
> On Friday, June 13, 2003, at 04:40  AM, David H. Bailey wrote:
>> Well, the proof is in the listening.  I like the piano sounds, you
>> don't.  That's cool.
>> The demos are well done mp3s.  They are the actual demos which come
>> with the unit and aren't that far off from the actual sounds, so you
>> are hearing a good representation of the unit.
>> But if you are listening to them through a set of small computer
>> speakers you are definitely not hearing them at their best.
> No, my computer is hooked up to my stereo, so I'm listening to them
> through a nice pair of B&W speakers.  I appreciate your comments,
> though, and I think you're right, I just don't like the Kurzweil piano.
> (If it's any consolation, I have totally unrealistic expectations.)
>> I didn't realize you were just wanting piano sounds, so if that's all
>> you want, you're right, $950 is quite pricey.  But then so would
>> buying a notebook computer, a good soft-synth and a good piano patch
>> be quite pricey, and a lot more than $950.
> I need a new PowerBook anyway, so that's not really an issue.  The
> piano sample library (I think) I want is $245 -- it's the Post
> Bosendorfer 290 I linked to in an earlier post.  (There's also a nice
> MP3 of John Grant doing the Moonlight with this sampled piano:
> <http://stkitts.globat.com/~postpiano.com/demo/bos/JohnGrant.mp3>).
> As far as the software sampler goes, I'm kind of at a loss.  I've been
> reading up on the various products out there, but I have no idea what
> 90% of all the features even are.  All I want is maximum polyphony (at
> least 64-note stereo, ideally 128-note stereo), minimum lag, and nice
> integration with whichever sample library I decide to get.  Post
> Musical Instruments' website recommends either GigaStudio or Kontakt.
> GigaStudio is PC only, and Kontakt is OS 9 only, so both of those are
> out, for now.  The other one they mention is HALion, but I have no idea
> how HALion compares to Kontakt, or how either of them compare to the
> EXS24 sampler (which I believe you can only use from within logic).  I
> don't care about sequencing or anything like that, so I probably don't
> want to get Logic just so I can get EXS24 as well -- I just want
> something that will allow me to trigger these massive piano samples
> live with a maximum of quality and a minimum of fuss.
> I suppose I will also need some kind FireWire or USB digital audio box
> in order to get the sound from the PowerBook to an amplifier or a set
> of speakers.
>> Check out some of Roland's modules at the rolandus.com website.  From
>> what I hear, it seems that people who don't like Roland's piano sounds
>> like Kurzweil's and vice versa, so you might find just what you want
>> at Roland.
> Unfortunately, I don't really like Roland's either.  The only piano
> sample I've found so far that's even reasonably good is that Post
> Musical Instruments one.  Of course, I'm still open to suggestions!
> Thanks,
> - Darcy
> -----
> Boston MA
> No one likes us
> I don't know why
> We may not be perfect
> But heaven knows we try
> But all around, even our old friends put us down
> Let's drop the Big One and see what happens
> - Randy Newman, "Political Science"
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