At 10:38 AM 8/8/2003 -0400, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

Within days, if not hours, of the new version being out, there will be
cracks available.

Don't be so sure. There were multiple cracks for every version of software I produced. I had a very primitive protection system that was easy to crack. I switched to a commercial packaging system that provides robust encryption and I don't see any cracks out there after 120 days. I suppose if somebody from the NSA really badly wanted to tie up enormous amounts of computer power figuring out how to crack the protection wrapper, they could be successful. But as a practical matter, it just isn't worth it, even for a hacker.

A vital part of the cracking process is to reverse compile the program. The robust packaging schemes deliver the program code strongly encrypted so that you cannot decompile the program until you have already cracked the encryption. And of course, if you have cracked the code, you don't need to decompile.

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