Take it easy.....
Why should we be disappointed or even furious?
Don't forget that estimated 70% of the use of Finale is illegal.
It is copied on music schools etc.
So far Finale did survive with their unprotected policy.
But it is wise to protect the software.
Forcing illegal customers to pay.
Finale is still a cheap program compared to Sibelius.
And all the new features are very promising
and deserves our loyal support.


Davo van Peursen
(Sr. Music Editor at MuziekGroep Nederland)
Paulus Potterstraat 14
1071 CZ  Amsterdam
The Netherlands
phone: +31(0)20 3058922
site: http://www.muziekgroep.nl

> ----------
> From:         Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
> Sent:         Friday, August 8, 2003 15:41 PM
> Subject:      Re: [Finale] Finale 2004 Review
> At 02:35 PM 8/8/03 +0200, d. collins wrote:
> >And what about installing it and using on a laptop with no internet 
> >connection? Is that easily done?
> Does that mean this is okay with you? Not even a whisper of protest?
> Everybody else thinks this is fine, too?
> It's not with me. I just sent this email to the Finale order desk.
> Hello,
> I made a 2004 pre-order yesterday on the basis of the information on
> Makemusic's website.
> It turns out that the website was misleading when it said there was no copy
> protection. Challenge-response *is* copy protection as understood by the
> user community, and only by a Clintonian turn of phrase about what "is is"
> is it anything else.
> Protected products are unacceptable. I have been a loyal customer since
> version 2.2 ([serial #]). That's ten years of loyalty, except when you did
> the key disk protection in Finale 98, which I also did not buy. Copy
> protection immediately suggests that Makemusic is in trouble, and I'm not
> about to hitch my wagon to a failing company.
> I am very disappointed not only with your Makemusic's actions, but also its
> attempts to cover them up by hiding how a Finale 2004 purchaser will be
> forever tied to the fortunes of Makemusic. You didn't even describe the
> technology, so we can't even know if it contains the PACE virus.
> That is unacceptable in any form, and I am furious with this sort of spite
> you show against your loyal and honest customers. Please credit the amount
> below immediately, or, if it hasn't been charged yet, cancel the order and
> confirm the cancellation. And then forward this to your decision makers,
> and let me know about their plans to drop this behavior.
> There is one acceptable action, and that is to put a universal unlock key
> in escrow with a third party that will be released when Makemusic can or
> will no longer provide full support for Finale 2004 (that condition to be
> determined by an objective third party), coupled with full disclosure on
> the website of the program behavior, the owner of the universal unlock key,
> and the future support schedule.
> My radio show is tomorrow -- one of the best known shows among composers --
> and I certainly don't want to miss the opportunity to talk about what
> Makemusic has done to their loyal composer community.
> The order number was [order #].
> The order total to credit is [amount].
> Dennis
> Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar
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