[again, coming in on a discussion that occurred while I was on 

On 8 Aug 2003 at 11:36, Craig Parmerlee wrote:

> As a software author myself, one who has been victimized by piracy and
> cracks (just like everyone else), I must disagree with the sentiments
> you expressed.  I find the new Finale policy quite reasonable. 
> Anybody who intended to live honestly by the license should have
> little difficulty with this

As a software developer who has also been stolen from, I support 
Dennis's position. Honest customers will be honest no matter what. 
Dishonest ones, likewise, will not generate any more income for you. 
All you do with copy protection schemes is inconvenience legitimate 
users, the ones who won't steal from you in the first place.

> MakeMusic is entitled to make money from their efforts.  I hope they
> make loads of money, because that means it is more likely that they
> will continue to produce new releases that make all of us more
> productive.  And if we are more productive, we make more money.

Coda would make more money by treating their honest customer base 
with more respect.

I just upgraded to WinFin2003 (from WinFin97), and was very happy 
with the upgrade, since I was getting a huge number of features 
introduced over many years. I don't intend to upgrade again for a 
couple more years, so I'm hoping the copy protection thing is out of 
the way by then.

If I were hurting for features, though, I'd be pretty annoyed.

However, I do appear to have pretty good timing, twice now upgrading 
just before the implementation of copy protection!

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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