Having been a 'Speedy with MIDI' devotee for many years, this morning I have
been tryinging out the new 'Simple with MIDI'. I cannot say that it is
convincing me. Some of this is certainly just unfamiliarity with it.

However, the new Simple really does not seem to be convenient with MIDI
keyboard input. For instance, Finale makes enharmonic errors from MIDI input
which, in Speedy, were easily corrected with one keystroke ('9'). Now, as
far as I can tell, to change c sharp to d flat with Simple I have to back
up, caret-up, hit '-' twice and enter. (Have I missed a command for changing
notes enharmonically?).

I find that I often have to move my left hand from the MIDI keyboard to do a
two-handed alteration to a note (for instance Ctrl + '-' to add a courtesy
accidental) where one right-hand keystroke works in Speedy ('*' in this

Are any other 'Speedy with MIDI' users finding this any easier?

Richard Yates

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