At 1:23 PM -0400 8/31/03, David H. Bailey wrote:
Wow! I never knew you could verb a verb! Verbing of nouns is commonplace, but verbing of verbs is something new to me!

I imagine a bright guy like you noticed that the expression "Verbing a noun" is, in itself, making a noun into a verb, so you must have used the expression ironically. Very funny!

In an ideal language, one would be able to use ANY word as a verb or a noun (or as an adjective or adverb, too, why not?) So we could freely interchange parts of speech as follows:

"Face a divorce" or "Divorce a face"
"Behind her dress" or "Dress her behind"
"Stern his face" or "Face his stern"
"Prick your finger" or...

Never mind, this is getting silly.

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