Title: Re: [Finale] Mac: OS X 10.3
On 25.10.2003 23:10 Uhr, Darcy James Argue wrote

> On Saturday, October 25, 2003, at 10:44  AM, Philip Aker wrote:
>> I've just installed OS X Panther. Gee, I'm impressed.
> I can't wait.  I actually *have* it already, but it won't install on my
> Beige G3, so I'm anxiously awaiting the new Panther-compatible release
> of XPostFacto.

So am I for my Wallstreet. Anyone heard of incompatibility reports yet?
Seems there are some problems with existing applications.

Working great on my Pismo G3 500 (and a Tibook).

My Apps all seem to be working though I haven't tested everyone yet. Its mainly the haxies that need updating (LabelsX, Window Shade, SIlk, etc).

The best App improvement is using Preview for reading PDF's. I wont be booting Adobe Reader again.

And Exposé is to die for. Haven't checked out the new font management but it looks great.

This $5 eBook is a good help for successfully upgrading:

"Take Control of Upgrading to Panther, by Joe Kissell"


David Stonestreet - RockyRoad

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