The primary reason is screen rotation. Although there is an OSX solution out there, I 
don't have the necessary hardware for it. If a more general OSX screen rotation 
solution emerges, I'll probably switch. My OSX environment is getting more usable as I 
configure it to my tastes and learn more about it. I now have all my fonts working in 
OSX, and I've figured out how to get the Finder to do (mostly) what I want, although 
there still are irritations.

A secondary issue is my extensive QuickKeys library for Finale, which I would have to 
rebuild in OSX. (I've complained about this to CESoft, but they seem not to get it. 
They provide essentially no help in converting macros from OS9 to OSX.)

The thing is, I'm still more productive in OS9. U.I. doodads are uninteresting to me 
in themselves, so I'm happier in OS9 when doing real work. Expose (which I don't have) 
sounds incredibly useful for OSX, but the OS9 Finder needs it less than the OSX Finder 
does. (The OS9 Finder compensates in two interdependent ways: one is that when you 
click on a window, all windows for that app come foreward. One can argue the pros and 
con of this, but it does make the Expose functionality less necessary, especially when 
combined with the other OS9 compensation: the application pulldown in the upper right 

Johannes Gebauer:
> Will you continue to use Finale in OS 9 when the X version is out? What are
> your reasons? (I am really only asking, not trying to convert you.)
> Johannes

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