At 6:44 PM +0100 1/05/04, Pierre Bailleul wrote:
Dear Christopher

PB> Petite tournerie = ?

CB> I have never heard this expression, and I can't find it in my Petit
Robert or any of my music books. Could it mean a flam, ruff, drag, or
5-stroke roll? Or does it refer to the "Hawaii Five-O" which is a
single stroke roll around the drum kit, high to low? Can you describe
it? It may be one of those things that doesn't have a real

PB> I have never heard this expression in french too! But I'm not a drummer.
I think that "tournerie" (that is not a correct word in french) mean that
you must "faire tourner en boucle", playing a lot of time a measure or a
pattern until you obtain a regular tempo. Perhaps there is a musical
expression used by drummer teachers in english?

Aha! That's "loop", as in "We will loop measures 45 to 46 until we get it right."

Thanks another time for your aid.


Il n'ya pas de quoi. Bonne chance avec le livre.

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