On 17 Jan 2004 at 6:53, David H. Bailey wrote:

> Any change in velocity or volume needs a correspondingly opposite
> expression to change it back.
> In Fin2004 where you can create a descriptive text along with the
> expression you can create expressions for each occurence, one normal
> one to define the accent such as sfz, and one invisibble one (just use
> the space character) to return it to the previous value (problem is
> you need to know what the previous value was).

Why use a space when you can use <> to hide it for printing and make 
it, therefore, readable onscreen? In most of my Finale files that I 
prepare for MIDI performance I have <p>, <f>, <pp>, <ff> and <mf>, 
which are all for setting dynamics that need to happen in performance 
that are not indicated in the score. Before Finale had a way to hide 
expressions (before Finale 97), I used blank ones (no space was 
needed), and then I couldn't tell from looking at the score what 
expressions where there at all.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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