Thanks, Mark and Christopher.  You guys and a few notable others always seem
to take the time to help out even (maybe especially) when Finale is having a
little trouble holding up its end of the bargain.

I'll fool around with your suggestions and let you know how it goes.
Luckily this isn't a typeset job, because, to my eye anyway, this is one of
the most glaring problems in Finale.  The bars w/the pushes are just so dang
wide and those w/out seem out of proportion.  I hate turning in a score that
looks this bad.  I guess I've been spoiled by Finale's good looks most
everywhere else.

I don't know how easy it would be to program, but an additional music
spacing option such as "left align lyrics on tied notes" (and the same for
chords) would be one step in fixing the problem.  The other would be for
Finale to treat two tied notes like one in their relationship to an assigned
lyric.  This seems pretty standard in the typesetting examples I checked
this evening.

Thanks again,

Don Hart

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