On 23.02.2004 21:58 Uhr, Aaron Sherber wrote

> At 03:30 PM 2/23/2004, Michael L. Meyer wrote:
>> Iım now using MacFin2004, and have a document with lots of dynamic changes,
>> hairpins, articulations etc. attached.  What I need to do is have Finale
>> generate a MIDI file of this piece, but straight ahead, paying no attention
>> to the markings.  
> I have been asking the plugin community about this for a while now. When I
> playback a file to proof notes, it's much easier if Finale would ignore
> articulations and dynamics and so forth.
> In your case, it might be simplest just to delete all these markings -- but
> don't save the resulting Finale file. In other words, select the
> articulation tool, do Select All, then delete. Same for Smartshape tool and
> Expression tool. Then save as a MIDI file, but don't save the Finale file,
> or you'll lose all your markings!

Actually, I would go the safe route and _first_ do a save as with a
different name (ie "yourfile_playback.mus"), and then delete all markings.


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