This is an old complaint of Morton Feldman's about notation programs -- that they won't do "delayed duplets", where the tuplet is divided in two or more parts, and the parts are separated from one another by some rhythmic unit. For example: 2/3 of a triplet in 8ths + a quarter note + the remaining 1/3 of the triplet. Finale can do this and play it back but _only_ when the rhythm of the entire measure is renotated in triplets. I believe Sibelius can do this as well; it is my impression, however, that Finale handles non-triplet tuplets better than Sibelius.

However, if we want the "delayed tuplet notation", or a metre in which denominator is anything other than a power-of-two, then we are probably limited to Score or Music Press, programs that are essentially for graphics, or using Finale as a graphics program and simply ignoring the playback facility.

The other rhythmic convention that would be useful to overcome in a notation program with playback is the strong bar line aspect of Finale. I would like to have, on the one hand, vertically aligned measures but independent metres and playback (as in some works of Feldman, for example "Why Patterns?" or "Crippled Symmetry"), and, on the other hand, vertically aligned rhythms but independent metres and bar lines, including, for example, independent and changing tempi in separate voices. Playback of the former is not possible in Finale, and the latter can only be accomplished by using, and hiding, a larger metre with purely graphic time signatures and barlines inserted into the score. (Which. of course, becomes a spacing issue!)

Daniel Wolf

Is this doable in Finale? I first thought that you could do it with layers, but then realized that this would require rests for placement of the offset tuplets, but those won't work any better than incomplete tuplets.

Is this undoable in Finale as well, except graphically?

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