Finale's user interface does not allow de-grouping tuplets. However, a plugin possibly 
could set up isolated tuplet notes. The problem is that the U.I. does not accept 
fractional values for the "in the time of" field. For example, to set up an isolated 
triplet 8th, you would have to assign a tuplet of 1 8th in the time of 2/3 8th, but 
the U.I. won't accept the fraction. However, the internal data struct simply takes an 
EDU value for the "in the time of" field, so a plugin ought to be able to do it. (The 
EDU value would not be exact, of course, since EDU values are only evenly divisible by 
powers of two, but you could get to within a single EDU.)

Even without a plugin, you can test how well such a plugin might work using ETF files. 
New an empty file in Finale, add two 8th notes, and assign each a tuplet of 1 8th in 
the time of 1 quarter. Then save the file as ETF and open it in Notepad (or other text 

For a triplet 8th, the tuplet would be 512 EDUs in the time of 171. Find the  first 
line like

^TP(#,#) 1 512 1 1024 0

and change it to

^TP(#,#) 1 512 1 171 0 

For a quintuplet 8th, the tuplet would b 512 EDUs in the time of 205. Find the second 
line like

^TP(#,#) 1 512 1 1024 0

and change it to

^TP(#,#) 1 512 1 205 0

Then save and reopen the file in Finale and see how well it works. I would have done 
this myself, but I'm away from my Finale computer for a few days.

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