On 30 Jun, 2004, at 11:27 AM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

FWIW, MakeMusic replied to my own vicarious bug report RE the text-block bug, saying they only had two or three reports of it and had I ever experienced it myself. I replied that no I hadn't because I seldom open multiple files simultaneously, but that when I do it is a major operation, such as batch-processing an entire set of orchestra parts. I explained that the reported bug was so disastrous that I would be unwilling to risk batch-processing anything until it was fixed, regardless how rare and elusive. To this Macsupport today replied that they were indeed working on tracking it down and did intend to fix it--so apparently the message has gotten across!

Hi Andrew,

Thanks again for your support, and that is good news -- in fact, better news than I have ever gotten from MacSupport.

RE: Allen's plea for more understanding for the poor, overworked Coda tech support guys, I do sympathize. But I wasn't asking for much, either. I even told them explicitly what I was asking for from MacSupport (this was after they finally admitted that they *could* actually reproduce the problem in house):

"All I want is for you to acknowledge that this is a serious problem and that you intend on fixing it."

In response, I got a message saying that very few people were reporting the problem, and that meanwhile there was a perfectly good workaround -- don't have multiple documents open at the same time. The implication was clearly "Don't expect a fix anytime soon." While I appreciate the honesty, the prospect that his bug would *not* be fixed obviously really concerns me -- hence my plea for support on this list. I think it's fair game to use this list to GOTV (Get Out The Vote) on bugfix requests, especially since there are people like Andrew who are unlikely to run into this problem frequently, but still need it fixed for those rare occasions when they do need to open multiple documents simultaneously.


- Darcy

Brooklyn, NY

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