On 20.07.2004 20:11 Uhr, dhbailey wrote

> You're right of course.  How silly of me to think that my making a
> remark about how nice it might be to have this little added checkbox
> might save SOME of us (sorry it won't include you) a bit of effort.
> I can't wait to read your response to Aaron's post, since he seemed to
> agree with me.

I am not quite sure why I deserve this. I meant no flame or anything, I just
stated that since this is a very minor problem and doesn't actually mean
that something cannot be done easily and without work-arounds, for me it is
certainly below the bottom of my wish-list.

Besides, I doubt that it is all that easy to implement, but that's yet
another discussion, and not really worth getting into. It certainly is more
than adding a little checkbox, since it requires some reworking of how text
blocks are being stored. What would happen if you had such a textblock with
different justifications for odd and even pages, and then you changed the
justification to centered? Never mind, I don't really expect an answer.

May I ask how many of these text blocks you usually have in one document?
That is, multiline text blocks which should justify differently on odd and
even pages?

Whatever the case, I was just expressing my very own opinion on this. I
currently see no reason to respond to Aaron's post at all, so sorry to
disappoint you yet again.


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