on 8/14/04 5:30 PM, Richard Yates at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I made a dummy score of 500 measures, 10 staffs, two layers per staff,
> measures filled with a mixture of note durations down to sixteenths, a
> moderate number of articulations. I used MassMover to copy the whole thing
> and then inserted it all in front of the first measure thereby doubling the
> file. This took less than two minutes. Deleting a measure near the front
> took 12 seconds. Saving the whole 1000 measures took about ten seconds -
> 2,175KB. I noticed no change in the behavior of Speedy Entry. Putting in
> extra notes and having them moved from measure to measure through all 500
> pages took 5 seconds. This was all done in both Scroll View and Page View.
> Auto Music Spacing was off.

FWIW, this opera Act I score is 1636 measures and has 61 separate staves
including about 13 for the voices, which include tons of lyrics.  I know
that sounds like a lot, but the composer has a penchant for complex divisi
in most of the instruments, not just the strings.  So often separate staves
are necessary to clarify the score.  So the extra staves in each section of
the orchestra, while not used all the time, are necessary at other times,
thus complicating the entire layout, optimization, layout, and size.


J.D. Thomas
West Linn  OR



Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went

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