Aaron Sherber wrote:
Hi all,

FWIW, I received the following from WinSupport about the tuplet bug I reported:

>For your concern about that tuplet bug, it is something we know about, and
>it is being looked at for being fixed in an upcoming maintenance release if

I could go on for several paragraphs about what it says that they are releasing a product with a known and obvious bug in one of their new and highly touted features, and that it will be fixed "if possible" -- but I think I'll just leave it at that.

It certainly seems like Finale's a sinking ship, what's more one with a totally unwarranted arrogance.

Combine this "we'll fix it if possible, maybe in a maintenance update" along with the implied "if it's not possible, or if we don't feel like it, we won't fix it, or maybe we'll fix in an update we'll try to make you pay for" with the totally uncalled for "yes it's a bug and no, we don't intend ever to fix it" attitude expressed about the recognizable and easily reproducible 2-page-in-speedy-entry-disappearing-from-view bug, and it seems like MakeMusic is in need of a corporate attitude adjustment.

Either that or they're actively TRYING to kill Finale and drive everybody over to Sibelius.

Just be forewarned, those who are thinking of jumping to Sibelius, that they have a list which, according to the company representative who is a member of the Sibelius yahoogroup, is "long and growing" of things which "may be considered for a future version" and "may be fixed in a future version."

Seems like the notation market is so small that good attitudes aren't considered a positive business asset.

Too bad -- let's hope they get a corporate manager who really cares about the customers.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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