In the past couple of hours, since I wrote:

WRT the latter point, the fundamental issue related to this is one that Dr. Patterson and I both alluded to: lead time. We don't know when the bug was discovered. While the response of MakeMusic! suggests that they knew about it before Aaron's post, we don't know for how long they had known about the bug. I submit that there is little enought value to MakeMusic! to intentionally ship a substandard product, that at the time this bug was discovered, it was too late to hold back the shipment without a substantial cost in time or goodwill.

I have experienced something that bears on this matter, namely that MakeMusic! was wrong again this year on their intended shipping date. You may remember how last year, the product was announced at the end of July, anticipating shipping the middle of August, and only the Windows version shipped at the end of August. This year, the public product announcement was on August 16, with shipping anticipated on the 20th or so. This did not happen. My copy shipped on August 18, EARLIER than I was told the estimated ship date would be.

Thus, when Aaron sent in his report about the bug to support, my copy of the software was already in transit.

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