
IMO, there is one thing you should consider before choosing not to purchase Finale: is there any chance that you and your students would benefit from the SmartMusic studio that MakeMusic! produces separately from the Notation software.

I suggest you spend the time to review the Smartmusic website, and discuss this with your colleagues on the flute-teacher lists I'm presuming you subscribe to before you make the purchase. The significance of this in the SIB / FIN decision is that of the two, FIN can produce SMartmusic files; SIB cannot.

Consider, too, whether you need all of the power that Finale provides. If you don't need the ability to have direct control over nearly every aspect of the appearance of a printed score, and can accept limitations in the number of staves, and length of the work, perhaps one of theit seems lower priced members of the Finale family, either Printmusic, or Notepad.

I've seen an older Finale offering, Allegro, still available in various retail software channel establishments, though, and since it seems to be an abandoned product, that is the only one I'd suggest you avoid.


Kathleen Muscettola wrote:

I would like feedback on Finale v.s. Sibelius. I am a flutist, private teacher, general music teacher and flute choir director. I would be using a notation program for all of these jobs. I use a G4 Powerbook, OS X, and have midi controller etc. I tried Finale on a friend's computer and really liked the notation quick-entry using the keypad but was unable to try midi play-in entry. I was ready to buy and then someone I talked with who had used Finale for years just switched to Sibelius.
I do some composing and a lot of music writing for students, arrangements for flute choir. I would appreciate any advice on what I should get for my needs.

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