On 25 Aug 2004, at 12:44 AM, Mark D Lew wrote:

If instead there was a lot of shouting about how Finale is superior and Sibelius is for stupid people -- which was a fairly typical reaction in the past -- I wonder if it would have had the same result.

Yes, but persuasiveness aside, shouting about how Finale is superior was a completely justifiable reaction in the past. These days, not so much.

I admittedly did some of that shouting (I prefer to call it "ranting") when Sib was at v1.4, because it *was* just terrible. Trust me, I know, I had to work with it every day.

But Sibelius has gotten dramatically better with the last two major upgrades. They have closed the gap in many areas, and frankly, have pulled drmatically ahead in areas where they used to lag, especially when it comes to performance.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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