On Aug 24, 2004, at 10:46 AM, David W. Fenton wrote:

I know many people who said "who cares" for months, even years, and
then actually tried it and then said "Oh! Now I get it!"

So I've heard. Perhaps some day I'll be one of those. But not today.

If you like re-using a single window for every document, and the lag
time it takes to re-render when you go back, and if you don't mind
the proliferation of multiple windows when you want to have lots of
web pages open at once, then I guess it wouldn't be much of an

I rarely have several windows open at once. We went through this with the Exposé discussion as well. I just don't like having more than a couple of windows open anywhere. It feels like clutter to me. I'd rather close them and open them again later when I need them. I tend to close any applications I'm not currently using, too, even though I know it isn't really necessary. It just bothers me having them all open. Sort of like having all the drawers and cupboards open in the kitchen.

Pretty much the only time I open a second browser window is if one of them is playing the webcast of the baseball game and I'm reading in the other, and even then I always drag the mlb.com window way off in the corner where I can only see its buttons. (In fact, it's down there right now, but I don't have any other browser window open.) I'd close it altogether, except that then the sound stops.

But since I've *always* read the web in a fashion that made multiple
windows annoying, tabbed browsing was a huge annoyance. Some of my
typical browsing scenarios: [examples snipped]

Hmm. Sounds confusing to me. My thinking is very linear. I want to read just one thing at a time, not bounce around between things. (Funny, because I *don't* mind reading several books at once. Not sure what the difference is, but that's just how I am....)

de gustibus and all that

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