On Aug 27, 2004, at 10:37 AM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

I never quite thought about it, Mark, but you're quite right -- and boy, would this be a timesaver. I cringe whenever I have to enter something with more than a rudimentary piano part, because of the time it will take to enter chords. (I use Speedy qwerty as well.)

Yeah, I know that feeling!

FWIW, I remapped my spacebar to left arrow and Ctrl-Shift to right arrow (in Speedy only), which means that my right hand can stay over the num keypad and my left over the qwerty keys, which makes things moderately faster. But the two methods I know how to accomplish this with are only available in Win (TGTools keyboard remapper, and the [SpeedyKeys] section in finale.ini).

On my keyboard, which I guess is the current standard Apple Extended*, the arrow keys are only a little to the left of the number pad and I can easily cover both left and right arrows with my right thumb without moving my other fingers off the number pad. Unfortunately the up and down don't work so well, since one is above the other. I can get the down arrow with my thumb OK, but when I go for the up I end up hitting them both. Very recently I've started using three shift-downs with my thumb to move up one layer. I think that's faster than moving my hand to do shift-up with my right index finger, but I haven't really developed the habit yet.

I too like to keep my left hand on the qwerty and my right hand on the number pad. I've gotten pretty good at shifting my left hand to cover all seven letters plus the octave switcher, but I still lose my rhythm when I need one of the miscellaneous keys which I can't get on the number pad (eg, L)


* not to be confused with the former Apple Extended, which had the same layout but a much better touch

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