At 7:47 AM -0400 9/8/04, Crystal Premo wrote:
Sorry, but "versions" don't count. "Performers" don't count. "Recordings" don't count. An anthem that represents the people has to COME from the people, and has to be singable by The People.<<

I don't disagree with you, but aren't anthems always chosen by some political committee, like state mottoes and state birds?

Crystal Premo

Often, I'm sure. Always? Might make a good thesis topic for someone. "My Old Kentucky Home," "Back Home Again in Indiana," and yes, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia" (by James Bland, a Black composer who never lived in the South himself) have the feeling of having been adopted by popular acclaim, even if a state legislature did vote on them. There are states that I have no idea whether they have state songs, or what they are if they do. I don't know whether "Rocky Top" is Tennesee's official state song, but it's sure one that gets played a lot and fires up the troops. My home state of Washington? Never heard a state song when I was growing up.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
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