On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 11:42:21 -0500, Allen Fisher wrote:
> 1. How often does a dynamic/expression need to be "restated"? I've been
> telling clients if an instrument rests for two or more measures (i.e. will
> show a MM rest in the part) to restate the dynamic. Is this
> good/bad/indifferent?

Usually, that's great. Unless, of course, the rest comes in the middle
of the phrase, and that fact is obvious to the performer. Most of the
time, however, MM rests precede new phrases, and it's a good idea to
restate the dynamic. If the performer has removed their instrument
from playing position (take it out of their mouth, removed the bow,
etc.) they may need a reminder to get back into the same dynamic level
(and, therefore, embouchure or bow pressure) as before.

> 2. Should there be a "canceling expression" of some sort for tempi, i.e.
> should a rit---always either be followed with an "a tempo" or a "q=XXX"
> tempo marking?

Yes. Continuous marks, from gradual tempo changes to gradual dynamic
changes, are most clearly expressed when their beginning and ending
points are specifically designated. Even sometimes to the point, as
expressed earlier, of including beginning and ending dynamics on
hairpins. However, if there is no specific delineation of where the
rit. finishes, it is incredibly unclear what is desired.

> 3. (unrelated question) In a score, should rit---a tempo markings be in all
> staves, or should they follow the rule for other tempo markings/rehearsal
> markings? (I know they need to be in all the parts)
In the score, I always put rit. marks in all parts, italicized and the
same size/position as cresc. marks. A tempos, however, usually begin a
new section, and I normally place them similarly to "Moderato" and the
like: above Flute/Picc, Trumpet, and Percussion (I usually work on
concert band scores), and in large bold print.

Brad Beyenhof
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