On 10 Sep 2004 at 22:06, d. collins wrote:

> David W. Fenton écrit:
> >2. you're already using your PC with a user-level logon (not
> >administrative).
> Could you please explain this in more detail (in the case of Win2K)?

You are a computer user. But you do different kinds of tasks:

1. reading email, typing letters, creating Finale documents, simply 
manipulating data (and doing nothing to the system).

2. installing software, installing new hardware, etc., and otherwise 
altering the configuration of the system itself.

The first group of tasks are USER tasks, the second ADMINISTRATIVE 
tasks. USER tasks manipulate data. ADMINISTRATIVE tasks manipulate 
the configuration of the system itself.

To accomplish the first group of tasks you do not need the power to 
do the second group of tasks.

Every NT-based version of Windows has always shipped with certain 
predefined user groups, each with its own associated set of 
permissions and privileges. The two key groups are USERS and 
ADMINISTRATORS. When you initially set up an NT-based Windows 
computer, the first account you create is the default ADMINISTRATOR 
account. This is the ROOT account on your PC, the one that has 
special status as your PC's God, so to speak. That logon has 
permission to alter and change EVERYTHING on your PC, full permission 
and privileges on everything.

It is not wise to log on as ROOT on a regular basis, because you can 
accidentally do damage to your system, especially if you were to 
inadvertently execute a worm, virus or Trojan -- any program you 
launch as ROOT inherits all the permissions of the user logon it is 
running as.

Therefore, the only safe and prudent way to use your computer is to 
create a USER logon that you use as a regular basis that has only 
USER-level permissions. The result is that less damage can be done to 
your system if a rogue program is executed. It also means that 
whenever you need to install software or hardware (or change 
software/hardware configurations), you must log on as an 
ADMINISTRATIVE-level user. Some people seem to find this minor 
inconvenience intolerably irritating and use this minor extra step as 
justification for skipping the safe step of working normally as a 
user-level logon. I don't understand why people are so willing to 
give up the safety because of such a minor inconvenience. It reminds 
of people who won't wear seat belts in automobiles.

A few random points:

1. some older software was not designed to be able to run properly 
with only user-level access. For instance, with the user-level 
permissions for writing to the system registry of Win2K and WinXP, 
Word 97's spell checker won't run (in NT 4, the permissions on the 
Office 97 registry keys were more permissive). This is easily fixed 
by changing giving the USERS group full control of the appropriate 
Office 97 registry key (it's one of the Proofing Tools keys). 
Irritatingly, there are lots of software installers that long post-
date NT that still aren't designed on the assumption that the 
programs they install need to be able to be run with only user-level 
permissions (indeed, most installers should be able to install with 
only user-level permissions, since it's perfectly conceivable that 
software would be installed only for the currently logged-on user; 
many installers stiill can't do this). This causes some programs to 
break when run under a user-level logon. The only case where this is 
OK would be for installers created for NT 4 (i.e., before the release 
of Win2K, which tightened permissions/privileges significantly in 
comparison to NT 4), and that means installers created before about 
1999 (when Win2K was released). Any software that postdates the 
release of Win2K should have been designed by default to run 
perfectly OK with only user-level permissions.

2. Microsoft has configured the Windows setup process to encourage 
users to do two very unsafe things:

  a. run as an administrative-level user

  b. log on automatically.

This is so that the new NT-based versions of Windows seem to work 
just like the old versions of Windows, where you were always running 
as root and didn't have to log on to the system, and so that users 
never run into the "you don't have permission to do this" prompt. The 
problem with this is, of course, that you then lose all the benefits 
of having a built-in security system and access control lists (ACLs) 
that restrict access to objects in the system registry and in the 
file system. The other result of this is that the vast majority of 
home users haven't a clue why they are getting infected with 
everything under the sun -- it's actually because they are running in 
the most insecure configuration imaginable.

Basically, the current computer ecosystem demands that you be a good 
citizen and *not* run in a configuration that allows rogue software 
to infect your machine.

Now, it is certainly the case that even running as a restricted user 
you can infect yourself, but the potential damage is not as great as 
when you are running as an administrator. That degree of additional 
safety is worth the extremely minor inconvenience that comes from 
running as a restricted user.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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