I use not two, but 3(!) monitors on my Mac. The largest (and central) monitor 
displays my primary score file. The smallest displays tool pallettes and plugin 
dlgs. The middle-sized one displays a reference Finale file (such as a sketch 
file) or something else entirely, such as email.

Windows is less amenable to this setup due to WinFin being an MDI app. That is, 
displaying two different Finale files on two different monitors entails 
enlarging the main Finale window to be so big it covers both monitors. This is 
unfortunate, because the cracks and crevices would be useful for accessing 
desktop icons, as they certainly are on Mac. Furthermore, it is a bit awkward. 
Dual monitors are a significant reason Makemusic should provide an SDI option 
for Finale.

However, even on WinFin, plugin windows float free of the main Finale window, 
so it would certainly be possible to drag them independently to a different 
monitor. Tool palettes can work the same way as well, although you have to 
fight them to keep them from docking with the main window.

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