John Howell wrote:
How to number 2nd endings is an editorial choice. I've seen it done in different ways, and done it different ways myself. I'll often take the lazy way out and number the first ending bar as "8" and the 2nd ending bar as "9," as long as the score and parts are all exactly the same.

This kind of practice is actually seen as wrong by all major publishers. It is possible that in your special case it doesn't cause any grief, but I strongly advise against doing it this way. It will add almost indefinite complications to rehearsals as soon as several editions of the same piece exist.

The correct way to number first and second endings is to number the first bar of the first and second ending the same.

There are rare cases where the whole repeat is renumbered in brackets. A typical example is when one part is added or changed the second time round. As far as I know this practice is also prefered in film scores, as it makes editing the sound track easier.


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