On Jan 27, 2005, at 2:21 AM, d. collins wrote:

For what it's worth, I guess my preference would be that the Finale List archives remain google-able, but it's only a slight preference.
It's not something that I care about enough to lobby for.

Why Google, since it's possible to have searchable archives without making them public?

Well, I suppose the answer to your question is that I like the idea of them being public. In general, I think sharing of information is a good thing, and Google is a better way of sharing with everyone. As for privacy, I don't think of this list as being private at all; I think of it as public. That is probably due to my extensive experience with the Usenet and various Web-based forums, where everything is surely very public.

But as I said before, it's not something I'm lobbying for. I'm happy for the Finale archives to be stored or not stored however the community as a whole prefers.


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