On Jan 28, 2005, at 7:28 PM, Simon Troup wrote:

They'll hit on "simon+troup" fairly often.

Hi Owain,

I didn't mention google, a mail spider will connect to the first page of a site such as suse.com and spider the site from there, google probably has nothing to do with it as you suggest.

Only a very small proportion of mail I receive is the result of randomly generated names.

I enabled a new address a few months ago, but didn't use it, or even configure it, for a couple of weeks. The first time I entered all my information into Mail and went to check that it was operational, I had two pieces of spam waiting for me, dated one week previously and two weeks previously (remember that I hadn't given this email address to ANYONE yet!) I was a little taken aback, to say the least!


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