Indeed. I think Dynamic parts is something that needs to be added to Finale ASAP. But it needs to go BOTH WAYS, as other readers of pointed out. When I do changes, it's usually after someone PROOFED it on a part.

Makemusic hasn't announced any major updates (yet) to Smartmusic. I'd think they would bundle GPO to Smart Music. I use Smart Music, but it drives me insane listening to the LAME sounds.

Back to Finale, I'm generally happy with it. It works well generally. I'd love to see it import MIDI files better. WHen I do something in Digital Performer, and import it into Finale, it doesn't always come out the way I want it.

So, Dynamic parts. Bug fixes. Speed. That would be want I'd want Makemusic to focus on. NO MORE FLUFF. We need some serious THOUGHT and EFFORT in new features. I think it is really sad when they put on their Promo that you can select a Textured Paper.

Andrew Stiller wrote:

Sigh. This argument is depressingly familiar. "Generally many of you haven't been happy with the mass-market programming features here at WQQQ-FM. Come up with some repertoire that we have the budget to acquire and that can attract a wide audience." "Generally many of you haven't been happy with the size or variety of the classical department here at Megamonolith Records. Suggest some discs we can sell to a wide audience, and we'll be glad to include them." "No we don't carry no-sugar-added apple butter at this supermarket; that wouldn't be a very big seller, would it? But thank you for your suggestion and have a nice day."

Look, if they wanted to make a million bucks, Coda should have marketed a game or a spreadsheet. They didn't. They marketed a music engraving program, which is by nature aimed at about the tiniest, most specialized niche market you can imagine. You literally cannot expand the audience for such a product beyond a certain narrow limit without losing the program's original constituency. Of course, there is always a strong temptation to do just that, because that's where the money is--but MakeMusic wouldn't do that. Would they?

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