On 08/07/05, Darcy James Argue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Download the demo, read the manual, try inputting a page of music.

I tried out the Sib4 demo, and while the dynamic parts is really cool
(based on tests that were fairly superficial) I still felt stymied in
my attempts at numeric control over positioning. It seems that
Sibelius requires you to manipulate almost all of your positioning by
eye, where Finale has setting upon setting to allow you to specify
exact measurements for distances.

In particular, I find Sibelius's system for implementing staff names
completely inadequate, especially when including a "1/2" (vertically,
no slash) for multi-part staves. In Finale I can specify exactly how
far from the staff to place these numbers, whether to align them on
the left or the right, etc.

While Sibelius seems attractive on the surface, I could never deal
with the intense "we know better than you do; and we won't even tell
you how we're doing it" approach inherent in its placement of musical
and textual elements.

Brad Beyenhof
my blog: http://augmentedfourth.blogspot.com
Life would be so much easier if only (3/2)^12=(2/1)^7.

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