On 15 Jul 2005, at 02:28, Tyler Turner wrote:

--- John Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 15 Jul 2005, at 00:45, Tyler Turner wrote:

Human Playback usually does it pretty well. Just


sure to have an expression at the end set to the
desired target tempo, and put the accel expression
where you want it to start.

I don't understand how to do this. Target tempo, OK,
but how do I
define the accel expression so that it will trigger
the accelerando?



You leave it undefined. That's HP's job. It's supposed
to look for the word accel (or variations of it) and
then look forward to the next tempo marking (if any)
to determine the tempo curve. If it doesn't do that,
report it on the Finale forum as a bug for Robert and
send it into customer support.

I set up a test with note expressions just now and it
worked fine. It should also work with measure

Thanks Tyler, I will try this tomorrow. If it works I'm really impressed. I mean really really impressed.
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